11:00 am-12:00 pm
How Free Challenges Can Put Your Lead Generation On Steroids While Growing Your Business?
Can challenges work in YOUR specific niche or business? ABSOLUTELY YES! (Follow my next Challenge Live on Monday and observe https://july.10daygroovychallenge.com/reserve )
I’ve seen them maximise engagement, create huge momentum, build communities, bring in revenue, and scale businesses quickly, in any market, any niche, any time.
That’s why big-time entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins, Dean Gratziosi, and Russell Brunson are all using challenges to grow and scale their businesses to new levels.
And challenges work in smaller businesses too. I have so many success stories, even from businesses that are starting from SCRATCH, with no audience and no list.
HERE ARE 3 REASONS I BELIEVE YOU ARE NOT EXECUTING YOUR OWN CHALLENGE RIGHT NOW... (I've learned over time that most of my coaching clients struggle with these very same problems.)
1. How do I I know who my perfect prospects are and then get them to join my challenge?
2. What do I call it? What do I sell? How do I set this thing up? + so many more questions
3. What's the long term strategy here? Why are most challenges free for people to register?
Find out how you can get your share of this hot emerging industry...
Online Learning Is Going To Be A $325 Billion Market In Just 4 Years From Now, thanks to the rapid shift in people’s habits due to the Pandemic, online learning has emerged as one of the fastest growing markets.
There’s an audience waiting no matter what you can build a challenge on.
Are You Going To Stand Aside For The Winners Who Profit From It Or Join Them?
Room 2 -Live Workshop
July 22, 2021
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